

What is Botox?

Botox is a brand of an injectable neuromodulator that is used to treat lines and wrinkles. These neuromodulators (also called neurotoxins) are collectively known as botulinum type A injections, which intercept communication of the nerves in the area being treated, thus relaxing the related muscles. Once the relaxed muscles can no longer contract and create folds in the skin, it results in a smoother appearance of the face. Under the same umbrella of neuromodulators as Botox, other brands include Dysport (made of smaller protein molecules), Jeuveau (fast-working), and Xeomin (preservative and protein-free). Each of these products work to achieve the same wrinkle-fighting goal- just with slightly different duties. Depending on the area of concern, age and condition of the skin, an in-person assessment can determine which of these products is right for you!

Many patients have questions and concerns regarding side effects, safety, and looking "unnatural" post- treatment. The key to settling these worries? Scheduling a consult! Finding the right injector will enhance your experience whether you're new to the game or well acquainted.

Call or text Victoria Aesthetics to see how we can enhance your natural beauty!

Areas that Neuromodulators can treat:

Upper Face:

• 11's aka Frown Lines (Between Eyebrows)

• Forehead Lines

• Top of The Nose (Bunny Lines)

Lower Face: 

• Lipstick Lines (Around the Mouth)

• Chin (To Prevent Dimpling)

• Platysmal Bands in the Neck

• Jaw Angle (Teeth Grinding)

• Lip flip

• Corners of the mouth 


• Eyebrows/Hooded Eyes

• Wrinkles Around the Eyes
(Crow’s Feet)


• Armpits (Sweat Glands)

Aesthetics Botox Albany NY

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